# Am Freitag, 26. Jänner 2024 ist es wieder soweit - die Data Community trifft sich in Wien zur mittlerweile 10ten Ausgabe unserer Daten-Community Konferenz.
# Wir sind wieder zurück im JUFA Hotel Wien (Mautner-Markhof-Gasse 50, 1110 Wien) und freuen uns auf einen spannenden Tag mit vielen interessanten Vorträgen und Sessions.
We are back - out 10th edition of SQL/Data Saturday Vienna aka Data Community Austria Day is happening again: Mark your calendar and come to Vienna on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th January 2024.
The event takes place at the JUFA Hotel Wien (Mautner-Markhof-Gasse 50, 1110 Wien).
Use the Data Community Austria Day APP
Please head over to https://data-community-austria-day-2024.sessionize.com/ and download / use the app for our event. Including the latest updates to the schedule.Pre-conference workshop
Data Community Austria Day will have three Pre-Con Workshops on Thursday, 25th January 2025. The workshops also take place at JUFA Hotel Wien (Mautner-Markhof-Gasse 50, 1110 Wien).
Workshop #1 - Using Microsoft Fabric to become an analytics super hero!
With Stijn Wynants (Microsoft) and Filip Popvic (Microsoft)
Hesitate no more! Microsoft Fabric is out and building analytics solution cannot get any easier! If you believe that the best way to learn is to learn by example, join us!
Sign-up here: https://www.eventbrite.at/e/using-microsoft-fabric-to-become-an-analytics-super-hero-tickets-723913413507?aff=oddtdtcreator
Workshop #2 - Improve Your Skills as a SQL Server DBA
Uwe Ricken (db-berater)
Are you a SQL Server Database Administrator (DBA) looking to advance your expertise and enhance your career? Whether youa re an experienced DBA or just starting your journey in database administration, this comprehensive workshop is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in your role as a SQL Server DBA.
Sign-up here: https://www.eventbrite.at/e/improve-your-skills-as-a-sql-server-dba-tickets-723921547837?aff=oddtdtcreator
Workshop #2 - Designing and developing enterprise-scale solutions with Power BI Premium
Paul Turley
This full-day workshop session will provide participants with essential best practice knowledge and practical tools to begin designing enterprise-ready solutions with Power BI. We will design a report, but this session will primarily focus on enterprise data modeling and dataset delivery for reporting & analytics.
If you want to sponsor this event get in touch with the organizers
We will need volunteers to help us run the event. If you are interested, please contact us at mailto:mailto:passaustria@outlook.com