Data Saturdays
Data Saturday #49 - Denmark


Click on the room you want to join. You can change rooms at any time to attend the sessions that you prefer.


Sponsorship Benefits

Bronze sponsorship. DKK 5.000 prepaid. [~ € 675] (5 seats)
→ Name to be listed (if desired) in the official event guide.←
→ Placement on our sponsor page on the web site. Logo size small ←
→ Inclusion in all emails, marketing materials and session slides. ←

Silver Sponsorship. DKK 10.000 prepaid. [~ € 1.350 ] (4 seats)
→ As Bronze, but logo size medium ←
→ May donate prizes for end of day raffle event ←
→ One spot reserved in our exhibitor area with one table, and two chairs. ←
→ Entry for two (2) designated booth personnel ←
→ Inclusion of multi-page brochure, disk, or flash drive in the handouts during registration. (Sponsor must supply, at least two weeks prior to event date.) ←
→ Two minutes at end of day event to promote company and/or raffle prizes. ←
→ An electronic list of attendees that submitted a raffle ticket. ←

Gold Sponsorship. DKK 20.000 prepaid [~ € 2.700 ] (3 seats)
→ As Silver, but logo size large ←
→ Choice of table selection in the sponsor area, first come, first serve ←
→ Entry for three (3) designated booth personnel ←
→ Option to present 10 min. as part of the Key Note ←
→ Allowed to setup roll-ups in all presentation rooms ←



If you want to sponsor this event get in touch with the organizers

Code of Conduct
